Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 5(5), pp. 231 - 237
DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050504
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Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using Cognitive and Behavior Therapy Intervention to Reduce Stress among Nurses

Wan Anor Wan Sulaiman 1, Mohd Dahlan HA Malek 1, Wan Nor Fatini 2, Adi Fahrudin 3,4,*
1 Faculty of Psychology and Education, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
2 Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR), Malaysia
3 Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
4 Social Work Program, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia


This study was conducted as to explore the effectiveness of the treatment modules in group counselling between the Cognitive Therapy Group Counselling and Behavior Therapy Group Counselling in reducing stress level among nurses in Women and Children Hospital in Kota Kinabalu. There are two objectives that guided this mixed methods study. Firstly, this study was to test the effectiveness of the Cognitive Therapy Group Counselling (CTGC) by looking at the different between pre-test and post-test results on the level of stress among nurses who have followed the CTGC with nurses who did not follow the CTGC (control group). Secondly, this study was to test the effectiveness of the Behavior Therapy Group Counselling (BTGC) by looking at the different between pre-test and post-test results on the level of stress among nurses who have followed the BTGC with nurses who did not follow the BTGC (control group). The results showed that there was a significance difference on the level of stress between nurses who joined either GCCT and GCBT with those nurses who did not join the treatment (Control group). In fact, nurses who have joined either treatment have shown some decrease in their stress level. However, when comparing between the two (CTGC and BTGC), BTGC showed better results in reducing stress level among nurses in the hospital. Therefore, both CTGC and BTGC are suitable to reduce stress among nurses in the hospital.

Stress, Nurse, Group Counselling, Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Wan Anor Wan Sulaiman , Mohd Dahlan HA Malek , Wan Nor Fatini , Adi Fahrudin , "Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using Cognitive and Behavior Therapy Intervention to Reduce Stress among Nurses," Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 231 - 237, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050504.

(b). APA Format:
Wan Anor Wan Sulaiman , Mohd Dahlan HA Malek , Wan Nor Fatini , Adi Fahrudin (2017). Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using Cognitive and Behavior Therapy Intervention to Reduce Stress among Nurses. Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 5(5), 231 - 237. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050504.