Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(1), pp. 1 - 8
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060101
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Viability of Biogas Production from Manure/Biomass in Nigeria Using Fixed Dome Digester

A. I. Aigbodion , I. O. Bakare , E. A. Fagbemi *, E. O. Abolagba , B. Omonigho , P. O. Ayeke , M. Bausa , E. Musa
Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria, Nigeria


Waste materials produced from agricultural products (such as crop residues, animal manure, and organic waste from Agro - industries dairy production) generally referred to as biomass constitute nuisance to the community as air, water and land pollutant if disposed without treatment. Anaerobic digestion of treating biomass is cheap, easier and economical compare to other methods of waste management like gasification. It produces methane (CH4) gas used for cooking and lighting domestically and industrially while the digestate is a source of fertilizer. A fixed dome digester is built for anaerobic digestion of biomass (cow dung), the plant has digester, mixing tank, gas pipe, inspection tank, gas dome and manhole as major components. Other accessories are rubber hose, gas burner, gas filter and the gas lamp. Materials for the construction of the plant were sourced locally while the accessories were imported from India. Production of biogas through anaerobic digestion improves fertilization efficiency and environmentally sound waste recycling.

Biogas, Biomass, Dome, Digester, Fixed, Viability

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[1] A. I. Aigbodion , I. O. Bakare , E. A. Fagbemi , E. O. Abolagba , B. Omonigho , P. O. Ayeke , M. Bausa , E. Musa , "Viability of Biogas Production from Manure/Biomass in Nigeria Using Fixed Dome Digester," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060101.

(b). APA Format:
A. I. Aigbodion , I. O. Bakare , E. A. Fagbemi , E. O. Abolagba , B. Omonigho , P. O. Ayeke , M. Bausa , E. Musa (2018). Viability of Biogas Production from Manure/Biomass in Nigeria Using Fixed Dome Digester. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(1), 1 - 8. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060101.