Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 5(12), pp. 2149 - 2159
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051204
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Teacher Candidates' Metaphorical Perceptions of Older Family Members

Filiz Gültekin 1, Ahu Arıcıoğlu 2,*
1 Faculty of Education, Uludag University, Turkey
2 Faculty of Education, Pamukkale University, Turkey


This study was conducted on teacher candidates who had the opportunity to work with children, adolescents, young adults, adults and the elderly. We believed that determining the relationship between teacher candidates and their elders and their perceptions would help to plan classes and events for the elderly target group. For this purpose, the relationship between Physical Education and English Teacher and Psychological Counseling and Guidance senior students in education faculty and sport science faculty and their elders was investigated. Metaphors were examined and 13 different categories were developed based on common properties. When the results were investigated, the relationship were mostly defined as Restful (f=11), Informative (f=10), and Cautious (f=9). Other categories were listed as Commitment (f=6), Reassuring (f=6), Close (f=5), Non-developing (f=4), Appreciated (f=4), Distanced (f=4), Mandatory (f=3), and Variable (f=3). The categories with the least frequency were Conflicting (f=2) and Cared (f=2). According to the findings, it could be stated that teacher candidates had more positive perceptions towards their elders. Findings of the study are discussed below.

Teacher Candidates, Relationship with Grandparents

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[1] Filiz Gültekin , Ahu Arıcıoğlu , "Teacher Candidates' Metaphorical Perceptions of Older Family Members," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 2149 - 2159, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051204.

(b). APA Format:
Filiz Gültekin , Ahu Arıcıoğlu (2017). Teacher Candidates' Metaphorical Perceptions of Older Family Members. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(12), 2149 - 2159. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051204.