Journals Information
Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 5(6), pp. 400 - 407
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050602
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Language Teaching and Grammar: Practices and Implications in the Multimedia Age
Rosario Pellegrino *
Department of Humanities, University of Salerno, Italy
Attempts to reflect on the not always idyllic relationship between language teaching and grammar are not entirely obvious and seem to recur more frequently in the light of recent technological discoveries, which have revolutionized both methods and processes. Starting from the role played by grammar within language teaching, the present study aims to investigate linguistic practices and structural considerations, including the Eclectic approach, which is characterised by experimentation and indeterminateness. This study will consider the underlying dynamics of the action-oriented approach proposed by the CEFR, which, thanks to new technologies, sensitizes learners to the otherness, to the inner workings of the language in communicative, comparative and functional modes as required by the demands of today's new, flexible and computerised society.
Language Teaching, Inductive Grammar, CEFR, Action-oriented Approach, Eclectic Approach, ICT
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[1] Rosario Pellegrino , "Language Teaching and Grammar: Practices and Implications in the Multimedia Age," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 400 - 407, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050602.
(b). APA Format:
Rosario Pellegrino (2017). Language Teaching and Grammar: Practices and Implications in the Multimedia Age. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 5(6), 400 - 407. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050602.