Advances in Zoology and Botany Vol. 6(1), pp. 1 - 18
DOI: 10.13189/azb.2018.060101
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Response of Citrus Slow Decline Causing Nematode (T. semipenetrans) against Different Cultivars (Kinnow, Musambi, Shakri, Feutrel Early, Red Blood) of Citrus

Yasir Ali 1, Ghulam Abbas 2,*, Muhammad Sajid 2, Muhammad Imran 3
1 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
2 Department of Animal Production, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
3 Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences Lahore, Pakistan


The intent of the present study was to investigate the effect of citrus slow decline causing nematode (T. semipenetrans) against different cultivars (kinnow, musambi, shakri, feutrel early and red blood) of citrus in earthen pots (kinnow, musambi, shakri, feutrel and red blood) were filled with formalin sterilized soil. The sterilization of sandy loam soil (72% sand, 17% silt and 8% clay) was accomplished by applying formalin. Diluted formalin (1:320) was poured on the small heap of soil and covered with polythene sheet to stop the fumes completely. Soil treated with water was kept as control. Each treatment was replicated 3 times. Varieties (kinnow, musambi, shakri, feutrel and red blood) were transplanted into these pots. The pots were completely randomized, kept in the glass house and watering was done to avoid drying of soil. After fifteen days, 2000 ± 25 freshly hatched juveniles in 15ml of water were added around the stem of plant of each pot by making holes and then filled with soil to prevent drying. Then they were watered carefully. Over irrigation of the pots was avoided. Experiment was harvested after ninety days. Experiment was repeated twice to confirm the results. The association of inoculated pathogens was confirmed by re-isolation. Survey results showed that maximum T. semipenetrans occurrence was in tehsil Sargodha (90%), Kot Momin (80%), Bhalwal (60%) and minimum prevalence was in sillan wali (50%).

Effect, Citrus, Kinnow, T. semipenetrans, Sargodha

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Yasir Ali , Ghulam Abbas , Muhammad Sajid , Muhammad Imran , "Response of Citrus Slow Decline Causing Nematode (T. semipenetrans) against Different Cultivars (Kinnow, Musambi, Shakri, Feutrel Early, Red Blood) of Citrus," Advances in Zoology and Botany, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2018.060101.

(b). APA Format:
Yasir Ali , Ghulam Abbas , Muhammad Sajid , Muhammad Imran (2018). Response of Citrus Slow Decline Causing Nematode (T. semipenetrans) against Different Cultivars (Kinnow, Musambi, Shakri, Feutrel Early, Red Blood) of Citrus. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 6(1), 1 - 18. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2018.060101.