Advances in Zoology and Botany Vol. 1(3), pp. 62 - 64
DOI: 10.13189/azb.2013.010303
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Influence of Integrated Supply of Bio Fertilizers, Chemical Fertilizers and Vermicompost on Soil Nutrient Status

Sushma Mishra *, Dr. Aruna Jain
Sarojini Naidu Govt.Girls P.G. College, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal (M.P)


The aims of this work were to evaluate the changes in soil properties with the application of bio fertilizers, chemical fertilizers, vermicompost and their combinations. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design (RBD) with 8 treatments i.e. T1-NT, T2- VC, T3-BF, T4-CF, T5-BF+VC, T6-BF+CF, T7 - CF + VC, T8 - BF+CF+VC. The increased value in N, P, K, OC, pH and EC was 281 kg/ha, 20.2 kg/ha, 296 kg/ha, 0.69%, 7.7 (T7 plot), 0.21 dsm-1 respectively, in T8 plot compared to non-treated soil. However, before sowing, soil N, P, K, OC, pH and EC was 260 kg/ha, 18.80 kg/ha, 281 kg/ha, 0.52 %, 6.8, 0.48 dsm-1 which was far less than the nutrients obtained in the soil after harvest. After the analysis of nutrient status in post harvest soil it can be concluded that INM in soil by combined application of BF+CF+VC (T8 plot) are best for soil fertility for longer periods. Based on the results of the current study, it is clear that by use of INM we can minimize the quantity of fertilizer and recycle the farm waste, thus make safe environment and sustainable soil fertility.

Soil Properties, NPK, OC, EC, INM

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[1] Sushma Mishra , Dr. Aruna Jain , "Influence of Integrated Supply of Bio Fertilizers, Chemical Fertilizers and Vermicompost on Soil Nutrient Status," Advances in Zoology and Botany, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 62 - 64, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2013.010303.

(b). APA Format:
Sushma Mishra , Dr. Aruna Jain (2013). Influence of Integrated Supply of Bio Fertilizers, Chemical Fertilizers and Vermicompost on Soil Nutrient Status. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 1(3), 62 - 64. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2013.010303.