Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 5(11), pp. 1878 - 1884
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051104
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Technical Education - The Key to Sustainable Technological Development
Odo J.U. 1, Okafor W.C. 2,*, Odo A.L. 3, Ejikeugwu L.N. 4, Ugwuoke C.N. 5
1 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli, Nigeria
3 Administrative Department, Scientific Equipment Development Institute, Nigeria
4 Advance Manufacturing (Machine Design & Building) Unit, Scientific Equipment Development Institute, Nigeria
5 Metallurgical and Materials Research and Development Unit, Scientific Equipment Development Institute, Nigeria
Technical education has been identified as one of the most effective human resource development that needs to be embraced for rapid industrialization and sustainable technological development of any nation. Technical education has been an integral part of national development in many societies because of its impact on productivity and economic development. This paper discusses the dearth of skilled technical manpower in Nigeria and its effect on the technological development of the nation. It advocates for a comprehensive revitalization of technical education in Nigeria to promote workforce partnership needed to develop innovative approaches or replicate models that operationally demonstrate has demand ¬technological the society needs. Efforts and ways by both by the government and individuals to train and produce the required manpower for the achievement of vision 20, 2020 objectives were also suggested by the authors.
Technical Education, Sustainable Development, Economic Development, Skilled Manpower, Industrialization, Technological Development
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Odo J.U. , Okafor W.C. , Odo A.L. , Ejikeugwu L.N. , Ugwuoke C.N. , "Technical Education - The Key to Sustainable Technological Development," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 1878 - 1884, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051104.
(b). APA Format:
Odo J.U. , Okafor W.C. , Odo A.L. , Ejikeugwu L.N. , Ugwuoke C.N. (2017). Technical Education - The Key to Sustainable Technological Development. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(11), 1878 - 1884. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051104.