Journals Information
Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 5(7), pp. 480 - 488
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2017.050703
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Effective Removal of Hazardous Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Starch Based Hydrogel and Gamma Radiation
Ghada Adel Mahmoud *, Samia E. Abdel-Aal , Nabil A. El-kelesh , E. A. Alshafei
Polymer Chemistry Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Egypt
The adsorption performance of acrylamide/ starch hydrogel (AAm/starch) prepared by gamma radiation for removal of direct congo red (DCR) and direct blue (DB) dyes has been investigated. The physico-chemical parameters such as dye concentration, solution pH and temperature have been studied. Favorable adsorption occurred at pH 3 for DCR and pH 10 for DB. The adsorption of dyes onto AAm/starch hydrogels was endothermic process. Experimental data have been modeled by the Freundlich isotherm. Degradation test of DCR and DB dyes using gamma irradiation in aqueous solution under various radiation doses and pH was investigated and G-value was calculated. Destruction of 70% and 75% of the dye colour solutions was succeeded at radiation dose 40 and 30 kGy for DCR and DB, respectively. Comparing the removal percent of DCR and DB dyes by radiation degradation with that done by AAm/starch hydrogel adsorption was investigated. It was found that preferring removal of DCR and DB dyes by gamma radiation degradation. The remaining concentration of dyes was followed by adsorption onto the hydrogel. Complete removal of DCR and DB was performed by gamma radiation degradation followed by AAm/starch hydrogel adsorption.
Adsorption, Hydrogel, Gamma Radiation, Dye Degradation, G-Value
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ghada Adel Mahmoud , Samia E. Abdel-Aal , Nabil A. El-kelesh , E. A. Alshafei , "Effective Removal of Hazardous Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Starch Based Hydrogel and Gamma Radiation," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 480 - 488, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2017.050703.
(b). APA Format:
Ghada Adel Mahmoud , Samia E. Abdel-Aal , Nabil A. El-kelesh , E. A. Alshafei (2017). Effective Removal of Hazardous Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Using Starch Based Hydrogel and Gamma Radiation. Environment and Ecology Research, 5(7), 480 - 488. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2017.050703.