Journals Information
Universal Journal of Physics and Application Vol. 11(4), pp. 109 - 114
DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110403
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Photophysical Features of Phthalocyanines Metallocomplexes with Out-of-Plane Ligands
A. Starukhin 1,2,*, A. Gorski 2, V. Knyukshto 1, M. Kijak 2, I. Tretyakova 3, Y. Dovbii 3, V. Chernii 3
1 B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus
2 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
3 V.I.Vernadskii Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
The objective of this work was synthesizing of Ti-, Zr-, Hf-phthalocyanines, containing chloride ions or dibenzoylmethanate fragments coordinated in out-of-plane positions to macrocycle. Spectroscopic and photophysical parameters of phthalocyanines metallocomplexes with metal atoms Ti(IV), Zr(IV) and Hf(IV) and spectroscopic features of Mg- and Zn-phthalocyanines have been detected and characterized at ambient and liquid nitrogen temperatures. The efficient intersystem crossing observed for Hf-phthalocyanine leads to very weak fluorescence and suppresses the fluorescence lifetimes to less than 1 ns. Changing of nature of central metals from heavy Hf(IV) atom to lighter atoms: Zr(IV), Zn(II), Ti(IV), Mg(II) lead to noticeable increasing of fluorescence lifetimes up to maximum value of 6,6 ns for Mg-phthalocyanine. At the same time the values of fluorescence quantum yield rises from 1 % for Hf-phthalocyanine to 56 % for Mg-phthalocyanine. The heavy atom effect has a substantially greater impact on photophysical parameters metallocomplexes of phthalocyanines than influence of attachment out-of-plane ligands.
Metallocomplexes of Phthalocyanines, Out-of-plane Ligands, Spectroscopic and Photophysical Parameters, Heavy Atom Effect
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] A. Starukhin , A. Gorski , V. Knyukshto , M. Kijak , I. Tretyakova , Y. Dovbii , V. Chernii , "Photophysical Features of Phthalocyanines Metallocomplexes with Out-of-Plane Ligands," Universal Journal of Physics and Application, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 109 - 114, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110403.
(b). APA Format:
A. Starukhin , A. Gorski , V. Knyukshto , M. Kijak , I. Tretyakova , Y. Dovbii , V. Chernii (2017). Photophysical Features of Phthalocyanines Metallocomplexes with Out-of-Plane Ligands. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 11(4), 109 - 114. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110403.