Universal Journal of Physics and Application Vol. 11(4), pp. 102 - 108
DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110402
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Peculiarities of Surface Interaction of Al+REM Alloys with Air and Water

N.A. Popov *, L.A. Akashev , V.G. Shevchenko , I.G. Grigorov
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of RAS, Russia


The effect of the phase and chemical composition of aluminium+rare earth metal (1-2.5%R, ~22%R) polycrystalline alloys (Al+REM) on the rate of their surface film growth in air (at temperatures 400, 500, 600℃) and in water (~100℃) was studied. It is shown that in the temperature range 500-600℃ the oxidation of 1-2.5%R alloys in air is enhanced due to the increasing amount of REM oxide phases and crystallization of amorphous Al2O3. Al+1at.%Yb alloy shows the lowest oxidation stability in this temperature range owing to the formation of the greatest amount of REM oxides. Oxidation of Al+REM (~22%R) alloys in air begins at a temperature below 400℃. Their oxidation rate depends on the type and amount of dopant metal and the phase composition: the presence of REM-rich intermetallics in the alloy dramatically increases its reactivity. It is established that in the interaction of Al+REM alloys with boiling water, the active reacting phase is aluminum.

Aluminium-rare Earths Alloys, Ellipsometry, Oxide Film Growth

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[1] N.A. Popov , L.A. Akashev , V.G. Shevchenko , I.G. Grigorov , "Peculiarities of Surface Interaction of Al+REM Alloys with Air and Water," Universal Journal of Physics and Application, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 102 - 108, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110402.

(b). APA Format:
N.A. Popov , L.A. Akashev , V.G. Shevchenko , I.G. Grigorov (2017). Peculiarities of Surface Interaction of Al+REM Alloys with Air and Water. Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 11(4), 102 - 108. DOI: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110402.