Universal Journal of Management Vol. 5(7), pp. 332 - 340
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2017.050703
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Impact of Event Tourism in a Tourist Destination Quality of Experience - Case of the Sarajevo Film Festival

Elvir Čizmić , Amra Čaušević *
School of Economics and Business Sarajevo, Sarajevo University, Bosnia-Herzegovina


The aim of the research is to determine how the Sarajevo Film Festival affects the image of the city of Sarajevo and the satisfaction of tourists at tourist destination city of Sarajevo, as well as to establish the relationship between the Sarajevo Film Festival and tourist perception of Sarajevo. The study used a quantitative approach to research, which included data collection through surveys (Face to Face) of respondents, with the use of a questionnaire, specifically created for this study. The population covered by this research are foreign tourists (people who are not citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina), who visited Sarajevo in the period of the Sarajevo Film Festival (15-23. August 2014), as well as in the period of one month before and after it was held (July and September 2014).

Event Tourism, Event Management, The Image of a Tourist Destination, The Perception of a Tourist Destination

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[1] Elvir Čizmić , Amra Čaušević , "Impact of Event Tourism in a Tourist Destination Quality of Experience - Case of the Sarajevo Film Festival," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 332 - 340, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2017.050703.

(b). APA Format:
Elvir Čizmić , Amra Čaušević (2017). Impact of Event Tourism in a Tourist Destination Quality of Experience - Case of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Universal Journal of Management, 5(7), 332 - 340. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2017.050703.