Advances in Energy and Power(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 5(2), pp. 13 - 19
DOI: 10.13189/aep.2017.050201
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Innovative Activities of JSC 'Concern Rosenergoatom' to Ensure NPP Safety: Strategy and Plans to Implement Nuclear Knowledge Management

S.V. Eremin 1, N.V. Tikhonov 2,*, A.Yu. Yuzhakov 2
1 Department of Innovative Development, Concern Rosenergoatom, Russian Federation
2 All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, Russian Federation


The Russian operating organization Concern Rosenergoatom established a program for knowledge management (KM) implementation in the organization, as part of ROSATOM State Corporation KM activities [1]. The plan includes activities both in the framework of classic knowledge management cycle: detection, preservation, retention, sharing and transfer, as well as creation of new knowledge such as training programs for new build nuclear power plants. The approach embraces key techniques overviewed in IAEA documents on KM and ROSATOM strategical focus on the commercial use of R&D results and corporate knowledge and, thus, contributes to safe, reliable and efficient operation of NPPs.

Knowledge Management, Nuclear Power Plants, Innovative Development, Pilot Project, Commercial Application of Knowledge

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] S.V. Eremin , N.V. Tikhonov , A.Yu. Yuzhakov , "Innovative Activities of JSC 'Concern Rosenergoatom' to Ensure NPP Safety: Strategy and Plans to Implement Nuclear Knowledge Management," Advances in Energy and Power(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 13 - 19, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/aep.2017.050201.

(b). APA Format:
S.V. Eremin , N.V. Tikhonov , A.Yu. Yuzhakov (2017). Innovative Activities of JSC 'Concern Rosenergoatom' to Ensure NPP Safety: Strategy and Plans to Implement Nuclear Knowledge Management. Advances in Energy and Power(CEASE PUBLICATION), 5(2), 13 - 19. DOI: 10.13189/aep.2017.050201.