Journals Information
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 5(2), pp. 47 - 51
DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2017.050203
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Development of an Ultrasonic Motor Introducing a Curve-shaped Metallic Plate
Kazumi Komatsu 1, Akihiro Naganawa 1,*, Yoshinori Ueno 1, Emilia Abadjieva 1, Hisashi Ito 2
1 Graduate School of Engineering Science, Akita University, Japan
2 Best Corporation, Japan
Ultrasonic motors of various drive principles have been developed, but it is difficult to downsized most of them. Hence, an ultrasonic motor which combines a PZT with a metallic plate, which can be downsized easily, is developed by the authors. So far, the studies are focused on the ultrasonic motor with a flat-type metallic plate. In this study, it is tested an ultrasonic motor incorporating a curve-shaped metallic plate, in order to improve performance.
Ultrasonic Motor, Piezoelectric Element, Curve-shaped Metallic Plate, Inchworm-shaped Deformation, Displacement Expansion
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Kazumi Komatsu , Akihiro Naganawa , Yoshinori Ueno , Emilia Abadjieva , Hisashi Ito , "Development of an Ultrasonic Motor Introducing a Curve-shaped Metallic Plate," Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 47 - 51, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2017.050203.
(b). APA Format:
Kazumi Komatsu , Akihiro Naganawa , Yoshinori Ueno , Emilia Abadjieva , Hisashi Ito (2017). Development of an Ultrasonic Motor Introducing a Curve-shaped Metallic Plate. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 5(2), 47 - 51. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2017.050203.