Journals Information
Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 5(4), pp. 167 - 172
DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050401
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Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention for Group Counseling with Children of Divorce in Iran
Mehrdad Hajihasani *
Department of Counseling, Shahrekord University, Iran
Parental divorce is the issue of most concern for children. The purpose of this article is to describe interventions for children from divorced family. Literature review and references look at divorce groups from multiple perspectives so as to include as many diverse issues as possible. Group counseling helps students understand the wide variety of different issues that arise in the context of groups, helps with universality, and brings support and healing to the very essence of their life. The overall purpose, to empower students to make healthy adjustments in their lives given the immense life changes, is well served by group counseling. Measurable goals and evaluation methods insure a high degree of rigor in the process. Finally, 9 sessions are spelled out in detail including clear objectives, necessary materials and specific strategies so as to insure success in realizing the purpose of the group. Results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that the interventionist model developed by the researcher was effective in improving psychological adjustment (P<0/01). Children of divorce participating sessions succeeded to overcome the negative effects of parental divorce through learning new skills. It is recommended that parents, school counselors and educational authorities benefit the study findings in order to help increase the adjustment in children of divorce.
Children of Divorce, Parental Divorce, Psychological Adjustment, Self-concept, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Meaningfulness, Sense of Competence and Sense of Trust
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[1] Mehrdad Hajihasani , "Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention for Group Counseling with Children of Divorce in Iran," Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 167 - 172, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050401.
(b). APA Format:
Mehrdad Hajihasani (2017). Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention for Group Counseling with Children of Divorce in Iran. Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 5(4), 167 - 172. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050401.