Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 5(6), pp. 911 - 917
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050601
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Critical Reflection on the Role of Education as a Catalyst of Peace-building and Peaceful Coexistence
Seema Agnihotri *
Amity Institute of Education, Amity University, India
Human being since its evolution is continuously struggling to combat inherent prowess of violence and conflict as a part of biological species which is falling in an ambivalent position in the ecosystem. It was realized long years back that only peaceful coexistence can ensure the prolonged journey of humanity without any turmoil. But this realization and its implementation have always been a herculean task for those who tried to do it through different forms. In fact, they have to sacrifice their lives also for doing the same. The prevailing long history of wars, revolts, conflicts all across the world are the glaring examples in this regard which have tried to subvert the desire for peace among the peace loving people in a very indifferent manner. In due course of human evolution, various modes were taken to instill the significance of peace in the humanity. Religion, music, painting, folktales, architecture, etc. are used prominently to spread the message of peace by highlighting the repercussion of violence in different forms. But it has been seen that the impact of all these modes were not as pervasive as desired. Despite of their intensive usages in different cultural settings in its own specific ways, the intensity of violence and conflicts could not be minimized and the climax can be seen in the form of two world wars which have been fought within such a short span of time. Immediately after the wars, the search for another mode was started and it was found that education can be that mode through which the goal of peace can be achieved and sustained for a long period of time through adoption of correct strategies and techniques. In the course of due deliberations, proper frameworks have been created in the education systems of different countries of the world to minimize the occurrence of violence along with promoting peace. This paper is attempting to highlight those efforts and to critically present the case for the effectiveness of education as a catalyst for peace building through the model. The paper got concluded by emphasizing on the changing aims of education revolving around to gain true peace through different channels.
Peace, Peace-building, Levels of Peace, Peace Education, Education for Peace
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Seema Agnihotri , "Critical Reflection on the Role of Education as a Catalyst of Peace-building and Peaceful Coexistence," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 911 - 917, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050601.
(b). APA Format:
Seema Agnihotri (2017). Critical Reflection on the Role of Education as a Catalyst of Peace-building and Peaceful Coexistence. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(6), 911 - 917. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050601.