Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 5(3), pp. 184 - 186
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050305
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Some Doctrinal Aspects Contained into the Religious Questions of Ibn Khatima's Treatise of the Pest (14th Century)

Luisa María Arvide Cambra *
Department of Philology, University of Almeria, Spain


This paper is a study of fragments contained into the religious questions (VII-X) of pest treatise, entitled in Arabic 'Tahsil gharad al-qasid fi-tafsil al-marad al-wafid' (succeeding in clarify pest disease), which was written in the 14th century by the well-known Spanish physician Ibn Khatima (d.circa1369), being referred to the Black Death, the terrible pandemic that devastated Asia, Africa and Europe at that time. The article includes an introduction about the author and his literary and scientific significance, as well as a section containing a few fragments of the religious questions (VII-X), translated to English from the Arabic manuscript no.1785 from the Library of El Escorial and concerning to some doctrinal aspects of the Hadith, the dogmatic law of Medieval Islam and the Islamic thought in the Middle Ages.

Ibn Khatima, The Black Death, Epidemics and Plagues, Hadith Literature, Andalusian Islamic Thought, Medieval Islamic Religious Literature

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[1] Luisa María Arvide Cambra , "Some Doctrinal Aspects Contained into the Religious Questions of Ibn Khatima's Treatise of the Pest (14th Century)," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 184 - 186, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050305.

(b). APA Format:
Luisa María Arvide Cambra (2017). Some Doctrinal Aspects Contained into the Religious Questions of Ibn Khatima's Treatise of the Pest (14th Century). Linguistics and Literature Studies, 5(3), 184 - 186. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050305.