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Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 5(2), pp. 50 - 65
DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050203
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For Value or for Worth? Part 2: A Neuroeconomical Thought-Action-Mood-Space Modulated by (Un-)Certainty as Sign- or Goal-tracking
Gottfried Reinhold Sebastian Treviranus *
BipoSuisse, Independent Research, Vereinsweg 11, CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland
Epistemiology requires trans-disciplinary logics for convergence. Here a logico-geometrically expanded cyclical version of the classical French temperamental and anxio-affective thought-action-mood-model, 'dyn4-TAM-cube', harboring Appropriation Waves (AWs), encounters an effort-related node of present neuro-economical debates: the cyclical relation between 'value' and 'worth'. Accordingly, as a fundamental of the brain, this essay's second part continues to explore the alternation between symbolic frontal 4-dimensional (Halford) processing ('4D-Thought'), and high-dimensional parietal (Rizzolatti) intel- lectual intuition ('5D+-Action'), as balanced according to Richard Sorrentino's prime motivator trait (Un-)Certainty Orientation ('UO-versus-CO') interacting with 'Mood'. The two mentally processed transitions between these low-and high-dimensional domains, '4D-T~' and '5D+-A~', are complexity-reductive Perception P{} and -expan- sionist Intention (I{}), from which two kinds of learning feed into '4D-T~' for decision. Specifically in early AW the not just predictive, but incentive among Pavlovian cues putatively promises discounts in effort which foster intentions for worth-appropriative moves: I{}. As 'UO-versus-CO' to date seems homologous to the more sign- or more goal-tracking dimension ('ST-versus-GT') in rats. Since ST is controlled by the thalamic paraventricular nuclei and GT e.g. by the hippocampus, putative intruding mast cells might cause the depressive reversals in orientation, establishing mast cells as bio-economical agents.
(Un-)Certainty Orientation, Sign-tracking, Goal-tracking, Computational Psychiatry, Relational Complexity, Neuro-economics, Prediction Error, Cortico-subcortico-thalamo-cortical Circuits, Mast Cells, Mixed Bipolar Disorder
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Gottfried Reinhold Sebastian Treviranus , "For Value or for Worth? Part 2: A Neuroeconomical Thought-Action-Mood-Space Modulated by (Un-)Certainty as Sign- or Goal-tracking," Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 50 - 65, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050203.
(b). APA Format:
Gottfried Reinhold Sebastian Treviranus (2017). For Value or for Worth? Part 2: A Neuroeconomical Thought-Action-Mood-Space Modulated by (Un-)Certainty as Sign- or Goal-tracking. Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 5(2), 50 - 65. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2017.050203.