Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 5(4), pp. 544 - 550
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050403
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The Relationship between Prospective Teachers' Critical Thinking Dispositions and Their Educational Philosophies

Birsel Aybek 1, Serkan Aslan 2,*
1 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Turkey
2 Ministry of National Education, Nuri Ozaltin Primary School, Turkey


The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between prospective teachers' critical thinking dispositions and their educational philosophies. The research used relational screening model. The study hosts a total of 429 prospective teachers selected by the simple random sampling method. Research data has been collected through Critical Thinking Disposition Scale and Philosophy Preference Assessment Scale. The research's analysis utilized pearson product moment correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. The current study found that there is a positive significant relationship between the scores of prospective teachers' critical thinking dispositions and those of contemporary educational philosophy dimension of the philosophy preference assessment scale; in traditional educational philosophy dimension, there is a positive but insignificant relationship between the scores; moreover, the relationship between the dimensions of critical thinking disposition scale such as cognitive maturity, engagement and innovation and their contemporary educational philosophies have been found to be significant. These three dimensions explain 14% of the educational philosophies and there is not a significant correlation with the traditional educational philosophies.

Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking Disposition, Philosophy of Education

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Birsel Aybek , Serkan Aslan , "The Relationship between Prospective Teachers' Critical Thinking Dispositions and Their Educational Philosophies," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 544 - 550, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050403.

(b). APA Format:
Birsel Aybek , Serkan Aslan (2017). The Relationship between Prospective Teachers' Critical Thinking Dispositions and Their Educational Philosophies. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(4), 544 - 550. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050403.