Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 5(2), pp. 11 - 19
DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2017.050201
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Preliminary Study to Compare the Insertion/Removal Force of PEEK and Co-Cr Clasps

Sara Alvarez 1,*, Tomas Escuin 2, Rafael Claramunt 3, Carlos Ascaso 4,5
1 Dental Faculty, University of Barcelona, Spain
2 Department of Rehabilitation and Maxillofacial Prostheses, Faculty of Odontology, University of Barcelona, Spain
3 Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
4 (Biostatistics) of Medicine School, University of Barcelona, Unit of Epidemiology and Statistics Fundació Clínic, Spain
5 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain


Introduction: The objective of this study in vitro was to evaluate the retentive forces of PEEK and Co-Cr alloy clasps by the insertion and removal test simulating 10 years use. Material and Methods: 16 PEEK clasps and 16 Co-Cr clasps were fabricated for 32 third molars with similar dimensions. Each clasp assembly was subjected to an insertion /removal test on its abutment molar with a Test Universal Machine (Instron® 4465, Instron Co. Ltd, Norwwod, MA) to analyze with Newton the retention force. To analyze the retention over the course of insertion/removal test, retention was measured every 1500 cycles. With a total of 15000 cycles, which represents the insertion / removal of the clasp for 10 years, estimating that the patient would do four full cycles a day. Results: Co-Cr clasps showed higher retention (mean 13,63 Nw) than PEEK clasps (mean 8,04 Nw). All clasps exhibited an increase in retentive force during the first period of cycling followed by continuous decrease. Were obtained significant differences between retention forces of each material groups (p<0.001). Conclusions: We can use PEEK clasps for removable prostheses. Retention forces of PEEK clasps were clinically acceptable, but inferior retention forces of Co-Cr clasps. They are needed in vivo studies to contrast the results.

PEEK, Cobalt-Chromium Clasps, Insertion Force, Removable Partial Denture

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Sara Alvarez , Tomas Escuin , Rafael Claramunt , Carlos Ascaso , "Preliminary Study to Compare the Insertion/Removal Force of PEEK and Co-Cr Clasps," Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 11 - 19, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2017.050201.

(b). APA Format:
Sara Alvarez , Tomas Escuin , Rafael Claramunt , Carlos Ascaso (2017). Preliminary Study to Compare the Insertion/Removal Force of PEEK and Co-Cr Clasps. Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION), 5(2), 11 - 19. DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2017.050201.