Nursing and Health Vol. 5(1), pp. 11 - 17
DOI: 10.13189/nh.2017.050102
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Screening in Psycho-oncology---Need for Psycho-oncological and Psycho-social Care of Oncological Patients: A Pilot Survey Using the Hornheider Questionnaire

Petra Sumnitsch 1,2,*, Bernd L. Hartmann 1, Daniela Zanolin 2,3, Christoph H. Saely 1,2, Alois Lang 1,3
1 Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Academic Teaching Hospital, Austria
2 Private University of Principality, Liechtenstein
3 Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment (VIVIT), Austria


Aim/object: The aim of this survey was to identify psycho-oncological and psycho-social need in the routine patient care of oncological patients. Material and Methods: A total of 200 oncological patients underwent the paper-based Hornheider questionnaire, a validated instrument to identify the need of psycho-oncological and psycho-social care at first contact. Hornheider sum-scores ≥4 were considered to indicate psycho-oncological and psycho-social need. Results: Overall, 149 (75%; 68 women and 81 men, 74 ≥ 65 and 75 < 65 years) questionnaires were correctly filled out and returned. Hornheider sum-scores were ≥4 in 47 patients, i.e. in 31,7%. Psycho-oncological and psycho-social need did not differ significantly between women and men (57,5% vs. 42,5%; p=0,732) but was significantly higher in patients <65 years than in those ≥65 years (66% vs. 34%; p=0,002). Discussion: The results of this pilot project show that a high proportion of oncological patients are in need of psycho-oncological and psycho-social support; this in particular holds true for younger patients.

Cancer, Psycho-oncology, Psychosocial Support, Hornheider-screening, Clinical Day

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Petra Sumnitsch , Bernd L. Hartmann , Daniela Zanolin , Christoph H. Saely , Alois Lang , "Screening in Psycho-oncology---Need for Psycho-oncological and Psycho-social Care of Oncological Patients: A Pilot Survey Using the Hornheider Questionnaire," Nursing and Health, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 11 - 17, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/nh.2017.050102.

(b). APA Format:
Petra Sumnitsch , Bernd L. Hartmann , Daniela Zanolin , Christoph H. Saely , Alois Lang (2017). Screening in Psycho-oncology---Need for Psycho-oncological and Psycho-social Care of Oncological Patients: A Pilot Survey Using the Hornheider Questionnaire. Nursing and Health, 5(1), 11 - 17. DOI: 10.13189/nh.2017.050102.