Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 5(2), pp. 125 - 128
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2017.050207
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Morphology Systematic and Evolution: A Review of Indian Phlebotomus Phlebotomies(Diptera: Psychodidae) with a Description of One New Species
Prakash Ramu Salunke *
Department of Indian Council of Medical Research Ansari Nagar, New Delhi (National Institute of Virology) Pune, India
The objective of this study was to carry out a taxonomic of Indian phlebotomine sand flies and describe one new species found in human dwelling in the villages of vaseti district panchmal gujarat state India, The gonostyle of one of these, gujarat vasetinov. sp., species group as waldio, has five spines sperm theca uicinikshepd segments, similar to that of phlebotomine papatasi Biobío 1876 Hewlett 1915 Phlebotomine subgenus Romani and Bertie 1840; Theodor, 1948: Lewis, 1965[6], species group as waldio, but they may be distinguished by the alpha /gamma ratio, which is < 1,0 in the new species, which distinguishes it from the other phlebotomie species, With the description of these one new species of the Indian phlebotomie sand flies has been described, 5 of which belong to the subgenus Gujarat vaseti An identification key for male female species is presented.
Phlebotominae Gujarat vasetinov. sp, Human Dwelling
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[1] Prakash Ramu Salunke , "Morphology Systematic and Evolution: A Review of Indian Phlebotomus Phlebotomies(Diptera: Psychodidae) with a Description of One New Species," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 125 - 128, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2017.050207.
(b). APA Format:
Prakash Ramu Salunke (2017). Morphology Systematic and Evolution: A Review of Indian Phlebotomus Phlebotomies(Diptera: Psychodidae) with a Description of One New Species. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(2), 125 - 128. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2017.050207.