Universal Journal of Geoscience Vol. 1(2), pp. 56 - 64
DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2013.010203
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Influence of Electric Characteristics of Inhomogeneous Lithosphere on Excitation and Propagation of Seismogenic Electromagnetic Emissions

Yu.B. Bashkuev*, D.G. Buyanova, M.G. Dembelov, V.B. Khaptanov, I.B. Naguslaeva, V.R. Advokatov
Institute of Physical Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 670047, Ulan - Ude, Russia


In the paper the approach based on considerable non-uniformity of electric properties of lithosphere both by depth and by area is developed. Geoelectric sections (GES) of various types of continental lithosphere (rift hollows, crystalline massif, permafrost) to large depths are examined. The substantiation of models of the lithosphere electric conductivity in seismically active and stable areas is considered. The main attention is given to areas of crystalline massif and zones of geoelectric non-uniformities (tectonic faults) attributed to seismic generating structures. The GES of seismoactive area (to the depth of about 60 km, up to 13-15 layers of GES) are studied on an example of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ).

Lithosphere, Electromagnetic Emissions, Tectonic Faults

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Yu.B. Bashkuev , D.G. Buyanova , M.G. Dembelov , V.B. Khaptanov , I.B. Naguslaeva , V.R. Advokatov , "Influence of Electric Characteristics of Inhomogeneous Lithosphere on Excitation and Propagation of Seismogenic Electromagnetic Emissions," Universal Journal of Geoscience, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 56 - 64, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2013.010203.

(b). APA Format:
Yu.B. Bashkuev , D.G. Buyanova , M.G. Dembelov , V.B. Khaptanov , I.B. Naguslaeva , V.R. Advokatov (2013). Influence of Electric Characteristics of Inhomogeneous Lithosphere on Excitation and Propagation of Seismogenic Electromagnetic Emissions. Universal Journal of Geoscience, 1(2), 56 - 64. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2013.010203.