Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 5(1), pp. 61 - 67
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050105
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The Profile of Non-native Teacher's Oral Skills: A Study Carried Out in Brasília, the Capital of Brazil

Joana Grant *
English Language Teaching Department, Cooplem Idiomas, Brazil


Thorough academic studies and pressing needs to meet professional demands in Brazil were the driving force guiding this work, which catered to map out non-native English teachers regarding to their oral skills. The research, within the context studied, identified the profile of practitioner's (oral skills) teaching primary and secondary levels, within the public and private sectors and an educational cooperative language school, Cooplem Idiomas, in the capital of Brazil. We aimed to find out whether or not the target language (English) circulated in the classrooms observed between 2014 and 2016, and analyzed how the recruitment and selection process worked to identify the teaching oral skills of the non-native English language teachers. The results of the observations pointed out that the same teacher taught in the target language in one educational sector, but taught the target language in the mother tongue (Portuguese) in another sector. It was, also, identified that teaching target language in the mother tongue can be a result of poor oral language skills, lack of awareness to teach English in English and specific school policies. Therefore, we concluded that we would like to see the Brazilian government bringing more investment into education, and assess teachers oral skills before entering into teaching, so proper and effective funding can foster better results for the nation, concerning to language teaching.

Oral Skills, Non-native Language Teachers, Grammar and Communicative Approaches, Target Language, Insufficient (or Low) Oral Skills, Limitrophe1 Oral Skills, Sufficient Oral Skills

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Joana Grant , "The Profile of Non-native Teacher's Oral Skills: A Study Carried Out in Brasília, the Capital of Brazil," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 61 - 67, 2017. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050105.

(b). APA Format:
Joana Grant (2017). The Profile of Non-native Teacher's Oral Skills: A Study Carried Out in Brasília, the Capital of Brazil. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 5(1), 61 - 67. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2017.050105.