Universal Journal of Plant Science Vol. 4(4), pp. 43 - 49
DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2016.040401
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Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.) with BAU Bio-fungicide and a Plant Growth Promoting Hormone

Md. Mohidul Hasan 1,*, Nazia Binta Islam 1, Shamima Naznin 1, Md. Mobinul Islam 1, Kishowar-E-Mustarin 2
1 Department of Plant Pathology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
2 Wheat Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Joydebpur, Bangladesh


Trichoderma based BAU-biofungicide, chemical Carbendazim and a synthetic plant growth promoting (PGP) hormone have been used to study their effect on Cercospora leaf spot of Indian spinach. Number of leaf, number of infected leaf, disease incidence, disease severity, area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), plant height and plant weight were measured and significant variations was found against different treatment combinations. Among the treatment combinations, seed treating with Carbendazim followed by foliar spray with Carbendazim, seed coating with BAU bio-fungicide followed by foliar spray with Carbendazim, only foliar spray with Carbendazim and only spray of PGP hormone significantly reduced disease incidence and severity with increasing of plant height and weight. Interestingly, foliar application of PGP hormone reduces disease incidence and severity by 58.38% and 63.8% in both the variety of Indian spinach, respectively over control, whereas; in both the variety disease incidence and severity is reduced by seed treatment with Carbendazim followed by foliar spray with Carbendazim 69.72% & 77.63%; seed treatment with BAU bio-fungicide followed by foliar spray with Carbendazim 63.73% & 69.49%; foliar spray with Carbendazim 55.68% & 58.19%, respectively. Foliar application of PGP hormone along with the reducing of disease incidence and severity, also increases the leaf number by 68.62%, plant height by 54.64% and plant weight by 65.69% over control. AUDPC showed that, local variety of Indian spinach is more susceptible to Cercospora leaf spot than BARI spinach 1.

Cercospora Leaf Spot, Indian Spinach, PGP Hormone, BAU Bio-fungicide

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Md. Mohidul Hasan , Nazia Binta Islam , Shamima Naznin , Md. Mobinul Islam , Kishowar-E-Mustarin , "Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.) with BAU Bio-fungicide and a Plant Growth Promoting Hormone," Universal Journal of Plant Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 43 - 49, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2016.040401.

(b). APA Format:
Md. Mohidul Hasan , Nazia Binta Islam , Shamima Naznin , Md. Mobinul Islam , Kishowar-E-Mustarin (2016). Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.) with BAU Bio-fungicide and a Plant Growth Promoting Hormone. Universal Journal of Plant Science, 4(4), 43 - 49. DOI: 10.13189/ujps.2016.040401.