Universal Journal of Geoscience Vol. 4(5), pp. 93 - 101
DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2016.040501
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The Toposequential Analysis and Cultivation of the Land Skills Misserghin Region (the Northern Margin of the Oran Great Sebkha-Algeria)

Mostafia Boughalem 1,*, Kacem Moussa 2, Mansour Zaagane 3
1 Laboratory of Applied Hydrology and Environment/DGRSDT, University Centre of Ain Temouchent, Algeria
2 Faculty of Science of the Earth El Menouar, University Oran, Algeria
3 Laboratory of Biological Systems and Geomatics, University of Mascara, (LRSBG), Algeria


Topo-sequential analysis based on data of: clay analysis, climate, vegetation, geology and geomorphology of soil. This allows identifying different types of soil in Misserghin area. Our results show the presence of three types of soil as following: (i) The Iron siallitic soils founded at the bottom of Murdjadjo Mountain. It corresponds to an agrological poor quality land. It is situated in a medium depth. These soils have one or more adverse characters that can be developed in a modest way; (ii) The Alluvial soils, which occupying the plain of Misserghin on a medium slopes, these corresponds to an agrological good quality land, (iii) The Saline sodic soils (or salino-sols) which are founded in the downstream part of the catchment area (in the proximity of the Sebkha) and they showed very poor agrological quality. The key recommendation in relation to the development of agriculture in the north of the Oran Great Sebkha, is the concentration of farming activities in the alluvial soils that have good agrological quality land where the slope is delivering an average vast plain like the Misserghin plain. This area served as a model of cultural aptitudes of studies based on a thin topo-sequential analysis.

Clays, Topo-sequential Analysis, Cultural Skills, Misserghin, the Northern Margin of the Great Sebkha of Oran, Western Algeria

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[1] Mostafia Boughalem , Kacem Moussa , Mansour Zaagane , "The Toposequential Analysis and Cultivation of the Land Skills Misserghin Region (the Northern Margin of the Oran Great Sebkha-Algeria)," Universal Journal of Geoscience, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 93 - 101, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2016.040501.

(b). APA Format:
Mostafia Boughalem , Kacem Moussa , Mansour Zaagane (2016). The Toposequential Analysis and Cultivation of the Land Skills Misserghin Region (the Northern Margin of the Oran Great Sebkha-Algeria). Universal Journal of Geoscience, 4(5), 93 - 101. DOI: 10.13189/ujg.2016.040501.