Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4(11), pp. 2656 - 2668
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041120
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The Analysis of the Opinions of School Directors about Their Knowledge of the Curriculums and Their Support and Control in the Implementation

Hasan Huseyin Ozkan *
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey


This study analyses the opinions of school directors related to their levels of recognition, comprehension and explanation, along with their support and their supervisory duties in the process of the implementation of the curriculum. Although this study is designed appropriately to the qualitative research design, phenomenological research design is used in some cases which are well known but a deep comprehension cannot be attained. The research group is determined in terms of simple sampling method and consists of 28 secondary school directors. . The data collected through interviews is analyzed through content analysis. According to the results obtained, in terms of recognition, comprehension and explanation of the curriculum, the school directors are aware of the elements of the curriculum: Objective 89%, Evaluation 75%, Learning situations 57% and Content 54%. In terms of supports given for the implementation of the curriculum, the school directors stated that they had provided support in providing teaching tools, in creating and improving the learning, environment, in conduction meetings with teachers, supporting, encouraging and guiding them, in teaching planning and content organization. In terms of the task of controlling curriculum implementation, the results show that school directors fulfilled their duties in inspection of teacher, in compliance inspection of teaching aids, in inspection of the instructional plan, in the level of success on objectives, in student satisfaction, in inspection of learning environments, etc.

School Directors, Curriculum, Comprehension of Curriculum, Task of Controlling the Curriculum

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[1] Hasan Huseyin Ozkan , "The Analysis of the Opinions of School Directors about Their Knowledge of the Curriculums and Their Support and Control in the Implementation," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 2656 - 2668, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041120.

(b). APA Format:
Hasan Huseyin Ozkan (2016). The Analysis of the Opinions of School Directors about Their Knowledge of the Curriculums and Their Support and Control in the Implementation. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(11), 2656 - 2668. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041120.