Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4(11), pp. 2618 - 2626
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041115
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Cross-cultural Research on the Creativity of Elementary School Students in Korea and Australia
Lee Kyunghwa 1,*, Yang Hyejin 2
1 Department of Lifelong Education, Soongsil University, South Korea
2 Department of Architecture, Soongsil University, South Korea
The purpose of this study was to understand cultural differences and similarities in children's creative characteristics in Korea and Australia. In this cross-cultural research, the Integrative Creativity Test (K-ICT, [13]) with identified validity and reliability for measuring elementary school students' creative ability and creative personality, was taken by 187 participants consisting of 96 students (4th grade to 6th grade elementary school students) from Korea and 91 students (4th grade to 6th grade elementary school students) from Australia. Through the results of the creativity test, it showed both similarity and diversity according to three school grades and gender in Korean and Australian students. In integrative creativity and creative thinking ability, a significant difference was showed (p<.05) between the two countries but no difference in creative personality was found (p>.05). The results of gender comparison were very diverse. In the case of girls, sensitive thinking and elaboration in Korean students was better than that of Australia students. However, task commitment and problem solving leadership of Australian students was better than those of Korean students. No significant difference was observed between 6th graders in creativity. Korean 5th grader's creative thinking ability was better than that of Australian students. But the 4th grader of Korea student's creativity was better than that of Australian students. Hopefully, this research will help us to contribute to an understanding of cultural differences and similarities of student's creative characteristics in Korea and Australia.
Comparative Study, Creativity, Creative Thinking Ability, Creative Personality, AKC
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Lee Kyunghwa , Yang Hyejin , "Cross-cultural Research on the Creativity of Elementary School Students in Korea and Australia," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 2618 - 2626, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041115.
(b). APA Format:
Lee Kyunghwa , Yang Hyejin (2016). Cross-cultural Research on the Creativity of Elementary School Students in Korea and Australia. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(11), 2618 - 2626. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041115.