Food Science and Technology Vol. 4(5), pp. 89 - 94
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2016.040501
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Leaves of Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata L.) May Be Suitable in Alleviating Micronutrient Deficiency

A.A. Aliero 1,*, H. Usman 2
1 Department of Biological Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
2 Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University, Nigeria


Physalis angulata (L.) is an annual herbaceous neglected underutilized species used as vegetable and in herbal medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases in Nigeria. This study evaluated proximate, minerals and amino acids content of P. angulata leaves and fruits using standard methods with the view to understanding its nutritional potential. The leaves and fruits had crude protein content of 27.80 and 10.97 % respectively. The fruits had the highest sodium content of 689.48 mg/100g while, the leaves had the highest content of manganese with 21.60 mg/100g. The result of amino acid analysis indicates that the leaves had isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine + Tyrosine contents of 3.04, 4.36 and 6.38 g/100g protein respectively, which are within WHO ideal protein standard. These components are however low in fruits except phenylalanine + Tyrosine and leucine with 5.22 and 5.16 g/100g protein respectively. Concentration of phytate was 6.91 mg/100g in the leaves and 8.59 mg/100g in the fruits. Similarly, oxalate content was 2.74 and 3.21 mg/100g in the leaves and fruits respectively. Prediction of minerals bioavailability indicates that the concentration of oxalate and phytate may interfere with bioavailability of calcium, zinc and iron. The concentration of [Phytate] / [Zn] in the leaves was comparatively low (5.32) which is an indication for its potential into food-based strategy to alleviate zinc malnutrition. The result of this study indicate that leaves of P. angulata contain substantial amounts of nutrient and suggest its potential as a source of nutrients that could be useful in alleviating micronutrient deficiency.

Physalis angulata, Micronutrient, Amino Acids, Bioavailability

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] A.A. Aliero , H. Usman , "Leaves of Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata L.) May Be Suitable in Alleviating Micronutrient Deficiency," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 89 - 94, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2016.040501.

(b). APA Format:
A.A. Aliero , H. Usman (2016). Leaves of Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata L.) May Be Suitable in Alleviating Micronutrient Deficiency. Food Science and Technology, 4(5), 89 - 94. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2016.040501.