International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 1(1), pp. 26 - 30
DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2013.010105
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Success of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Activity Amidst Obstacles: A Study of China

Neelmani Jaysawal*
Department of Social Work, Visva-Bharati


Rehabilitation and Resettlement(R & R) is a model of development which enforces certain technical and economic options before masses. The success of any developmental programme cannot be judged in merely their effect on income and employment opportunities but more specifically on welfare of displaced people through their participation in decision making process of development project and proper resettlement. Therefore, the major question which arises here is ‘what is successful resettlement and rehabilitation programme’. In the discourse of rehabilitation and resettlement programme, there are two distinct processes: the first, resettlement, is a one-time event of physical relocation. The second, rehabilitation, is a long-time process that involves rebuilding people’s physical and economic livelihood, their assets, their cultural and social links, and psychological acceptance of the changed situation. Rehabilitation is a process needed by both the Displaced People and the Project Affected Persons, and it must begin long before physical displacement or deprivation (Fernandes, Walter). Having perception of all these prerequisites of a successful resettlement and rehabilitation program, the World Bank has played a very pivotal role. In addition to its success, the R & R programme faces lots of impediments also like forced displacement of masses to inappropriate habitations, involuntary displacement, and neglect of social, economic, cultural rights of displaced persons, absence of gender consideration in rehabilitation programme and lack of transparency in flow of information from project authority to displaced community. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore these impediments in the path of Resettlement and Rehabilitation programme and adoption of some good practices for ensuring successful R & R programme through review of R & R programmes of some of its projects in China.

Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Displacement, Project Affected People, Inclusive Growth

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Neelmani Jaysawal , "Success of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Activity Amidst Obstacles: A Study of China," International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 26 - 30, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2013.010105.

(b). APA Format:
Neelmani Jaysawal (2013). Success of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Activity Amidst Obstacles: A Study of China. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION), 1(1), 26 - 30. DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2013.010105.