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Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 1(3), pp. 74 - 77
DOI: 10.13189/cme.2013.010302
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Optimization of Highly-Structured Mechanical Systems with Abnormal Functioning through the Example of a Precipitation Centrifugation of Powder Precipitates
М.А. Кuzin*, О.I. Dreganov
JSC “State Scientific Center – Research Institute of Atomic Reactors”, 433510 Dimitrovgrad-10
A model of vibration reliability for a vertical submersible centrifuge was suggested that is used in optimization of centrifugation. A set of software tools was developed related to simulation modeling and centrifuge computation. The plotted model and software can be applied for optimization of centrifuging devices and processes, nuclear fuel cycle systems and processes.
Submersible Centrifuge, Model, Critical Frequency, Centrifuging, Vibration Reliability
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] М.А. Кuzin , О.I. Dreganov , "Optimization of Highly-Structured Mechanical Systems with Abnormal Functioning through the Example of a Precipitation Centrifugation of Powder Precipitates," Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 74 - 77, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/cme.2013.010302.
(b). APA Format:
М.А. Кuzin , О.I. Dreganov (2013). Optimization of Highly-Structured Mechanical Systems with Abnormal Functioning through the Example of a Precipitation Centrifugation of Powder Precipitates. Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION), 1(3), 74 - 77. DOI: 10.13189/cme.2013.010302.