Journals Information
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 4(3), pp. 57 - 62
DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2016.040301
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Effects of Mixing-vane Attached to Grid Spacer on Pressure Drop and Deposition Rate in BWR Simulated Channel
M. Endo *, W. Takaki , D. Nishioka , Y. Hirakata , A. Kawahara , M. Sadatomi
Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Graduate School Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan
This paper describes the experimental study on the effects of grid spacer with mixing-vane (MV) on gas-liquid two-phase annular flow in a vertical circular pipe of 16 mm i.d. In order to know the effects, grid spacers with and without MV were inserted in turn into the test channel. Furthermore, in order to know the effects of inclination angle of the mixing-vane to main flow, two inclination angles, i.e., 30° (MV30) and 20° (MV20) were tested. Pressure drop of flow through the spacer and liquid droplets deposition rate in the section downstream from the spacer were measured with a pressure transducer and double liquid film extraction method, respectively. Experimental data revealed that deposition mass transfer coefficient and the pressure drop were higher for the spacer with MV than that without MV. Regarding the effects of the inclination angle of MV, the vane of MV30 gave higher deposition mass transfer coefficient than MV20 although it increased the pressure drop.
Spacer, Mixing-vane, Liquid Film Thickness, Deposition
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] M. Endo , W. Takaki , D. Nishioka , Y. Hirakata , A. Kawahara , M. Sadatomi , "Effects of Mixing-vane Attached to Grid Spacer on Pressure Drop and Deposition Rate in BWR Simulated Channel," Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 57 - 62, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2016.040301.
(b). APA Format:
M. Endo , W. Takaki , D. Nishioka , Y. Hirakata , A. Kawahara , M. Sadatomi (2016). Effects of Mixing-vane Attached to Grid Spacer on Pressure Drop and Deposition Rate in BWR Simulated Channel. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 4(3), 57 - 62. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2016.040301.