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Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 1(2), pp. 17 - 27
DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010201
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Interceptor Technology for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by Stretching Time
Emad Y. Moawad*
Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Time is a relative dimension varies from a frame of reference to another according to the required mission and the given geometry. Thus, the consideration of the same interval of time is relatively different from a frame of reference to another. Such different consideration for the same duration of normal time (Tn) is expressed by the relativity of the time. Stretching Time (Tst) means to achieve more rate of execution than the usual rates in same period of time using more kinetic energy (KE) where the more kinetic energy the more the normal time is stretched. Thus, each frame of reference is characterized by its own relative time which should be assayed according to the capability of the permitted execution within the boarders of the frame of reference. The utmost necessity to stretch the duration of all stages of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) trip reveals the importance of the ST concept which is expressed mathematically by: to provide a new vision to the interception technique for the ICBM using satellite-interception technique (SIT) to be used instead of the Grounded Defensible Technique (GDT). SIT enables to compare the capability of execution for the interceptor satellites in different orbits of different altitudes to choose the proper satellite interceptor for the ICBM in each phase of its trip according to the required mission and the given geometry. SIT will be more effective in intercepting the ICBM than the current techniques, where such efficiency (ef) at any moment can be calculated by knowing the ratio of velocities of the SIT and that of the ICBM as follows: , where Vm , Vi are velocities of the ICBM and the SIT respectively. SIT would be a guard for the sky from the ICBMs, without geographical difficulties, with too much less budget as it decreases the fixed, operating and damage costs of applying GDT.
Stretching out the Time, Satellite Interceptor Technique, Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser, Efficiency of the Antimissile Defensible Technique
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[1] Emad Y. Moawad , "Interceptor Technology for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by Stretching Time," Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 17 - 27, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010201.
(b). APA Format:
Emad Y. Moawad (2013). Interceptor Technology for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by Stretching Time. Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), 1(2), 17 - 27. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010201.