Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 4(2), pp. 48 - 52
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2016.040203
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Growth Allometry among the Rabbit of Amoron i Mania

Randriamandratondrakotonirina H. N. F. A. 1,*, Rakotozandriny J. N. 1, Randriampenohaja A. R. J 2
1 Agriculture Department, Higher School of Agronomic Sciences, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar
2 Agronomy and Agri-food Department, Higher Institute of Technology of Ambositra, University of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar


The rabbits have a special feature for adaptation to the different types of food and climate. In addition, the composition of food and the mode of farming have a consequence to the mode of growth and body composition of the rabbit. In Madagascar, the research focused on rabbits is very rare. In this case, we found an absence of documents of reference concerning the growth of existing rabbits in the region of Amoron i Mania. A thorough research for the biological characteristics of these existing breeds is desired in order to improve this field. Then the objective of this study is to understand the type of rabbit growth in this region of study within a mathematical equation. During the conduct of this study, 1052 rabbits from the 100 family farms are measured. For the population of the rabbit measured in this region, the global allometric coefficient is 2.32 which is significantly equal to the theoretical allometry (b = 3), equivalent to an isometric growth. Therefore, the increase in weight is evolving in parallel with the increase in the length. The result by race has always shown the same type of growth except the blue of Vienna variety which presented a negative allometric growth. The distribution of samples by sex and by district has also figured this type of isometric growth. This type of growth belongs to rabbits which reach slowly its weight. This state of slow growth could be a result of the practice of an extensive and traditional breeding system which generally stands on a poor diet to the rabbit. Then this study allows establishing a tool to estimate the weight of the rabbit from the total length. The equation LW = 0,3558LT2,3224 was chosen as a model of allometric equation applicable to livestock.

Growth, Allometry, Rabbit, Amoron i Mania, Madagascar

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[1] Randriamandratondrakotonirina H. N. F. A. , Rakotozandriny J. N. , Randriampenohaja A. R. J , "Growth Allometry among the Rabbit of Amoron i Mania," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 48 - 52, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2016.040203.

(b). APA Format:
Randriamandratondrakotonirina H. N. F. A. , Rakotozandriny J. N. , Randriampenohaja A. R. J (2016). Growth Allometry among the Rabbit of Amoron i Mania. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(2), 48 - 52. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2016.040203.