Universal Journal of Management Vol. 4(5), pp. 289 - 297
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040508
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Study of Procurement Methods by Purchasing Agreements: A Case Study of Private Corporations in Thailand

Suntaree Puttiworn *
College of Logistics and Supply Chain, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Nakhonpathom Learning Center, Thailand


A study of procurement methods by purchasing agreements: a case study of private corporations in Thailand. This study is a survey research with three objectives; 1) to study the processes of procurement by purchasing agreements, 2) to study processing time for procurement by purchasing agreements, 3) to study means to improve performance of procurement by purchasing agreements; a case study of international business organization of private corporations in Thailand. Variables are determined as; 1) personal factors (gender, age, education level, experience, and income) as independent variables, 2) detail inspection, bidding documents preparation and contact supplier sources, procurement, receiving inspection, and payment.[14] The results revealed that: General information: There were female more than male that response to the questionnaire, at 60.0 percent, and the respondents were mostly age between 31-40 years old, 17 persons and at 42.5 percent. The results indicated that 18 persons, 45.0 percent, which were the most respondents, were bachelor degree graduates. Furthermore, the most respondents worked at operational level, 19 persons, and 47.5 percent. For experience of the respondent, there were 16 persons, 40 percent, who have worked for at least 1-5 years. Most of the respondents, 11 persons and 27.5 percent, have their income more than 50,000 Baht. Detail inspection: For the detail inspection, most of the respondents have given their highest opinion on procurement staffs that receive online requisition forms from requisite persons, 4.13 percent. The second highest opinion was on detail inspection of the requisition forms, 4.00 percent, and the third highest opinion was on whether audit systems, to guarantee that the regulations were followed, are available, 3.86 percent. And the lowest opinion was given to whether types and amounts were indicated in requirement notification or procurement request, 3.83 percent. Combine mean was 3.96 with deviation 0.72. Bidding documents preparation and contact supplier sources: For bidding documents preparation and contact supplier sources, most respondents found that seller records as well as statistics of price and amount are available has the highest frequency, 3.95 percent. The second highest frequency was estimate cost was indicated in order to compare with offering price, 3.85 percent, and the third highest frequency were comparison to latest buying price and/or from various sellers in order to get the best price possible, and easy to contact with sellers or supplier sources, which have equal mean at 3.82 percent. Combine mean was 3.86 with deviation 0.62. Procurement: For procurement, the highest opinion from the respondents was given to preparation of purchasing orders and its copies for accessories; which are receiving inspectors, procurement informants, accountants or finances, 4.56 percent. The second highest answer was appropriate procurement, 3.92 percent, and the third highest answer was procurement by procurement staffs under material request forms or approved procurement licenses, 3.82 percent. And the lowest was fast and accurate procurement, 3.80 percent. Combine mean was 4.02 with deviation 1.71. Receiving inspection and payment: For receiving inspection and payment, most of the respondents have given the highest opinion to counting of amounts and types of received material with purchasing orders or invoices, with at least 2 inspectors’ signatures, 4.05 percent. The second highest opinion was specifying department that responsible for payment inspection, 4.00 percent, and the third most frequent answer was receipt that has been paid should be marked to avoid repeated payment, 3.95 percent. And the lowest opinion was identifying authorized receiving inspectors, 3.87 percent. Combine mean was 3.96 with deviation 0.62.

Procurement, Purchasing, Purchasing Agreements, Processing Time, Supplier Sources

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[1] Suntaree Puttiworn , "Study of Procurement Methods by Purchasing Agreements: A Case Study of Private Corporations in Thailand," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 289 - 297, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040508.

(b). APA Format:
Suntaree Puttiworn (2016). Study of Procurement Methods by Purchasing Agreements: A Case Study of Private Corporations in Thailand. Universal Journal of Management, 4(5), 289 - 297. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040508.