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Nursing and Health Vol. 4(1), pp. 9 - 13
DOI: 10.13189/nh.2016.040102
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Feeding Pattern of Malnourished Infants <6 Months of Age and Their Response to Treatment Using Diluted F-100 Formula
Hajer Fadlalla Ali 1, Ali Arabi 2,*, Jalal Ali Bilal 3
1 Federal Ministry of Health, Sudan
2 Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan
3 Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Severe acute malnutrition is associated with mortality in young infants. Associated risk factors and management were not well addressed. The aims of this study were to identify factors associated with severe acute malnutrition in children < 6 months of age and to evaluate the outcome of treatment after feeding them diluted therapeutic formula milk (F-100) along with breast-feeding. This interventional hospital-based study was conducted at 2 major children hospitals in Khartoum during the period between September 2011 and January 2014 among malnourished children less than 6 month of age. Infants' demographic, clinical and anthropometric measurements were recorded and then received routine medications and breastfeeding and/or 130ml/kg/day diluted F100 formula for 5 consecutive days and weight gain was recorded. All recruited infants (N=83) received diluted F-100 with breast milk. They had a mean±SD age of 3.8±5.8 months. The male to female a ratio was 1.3. The majority was from poor socioeconomic background and most mothers were below 40 years of age. Only 36 (43.3%) were exclusively breastfed and 37 (44.6%) of infants fed on food other than milk. Following feeding for 5 days, 76 out of 83 (91.6%) malnourished under the age of 6 months infants were discharged with adequate weight gain, 5 (6%) prematurely left the hospital and thus the study, 2 (2.4%) were defaulters and there was no deaths. Infants <6 months of age with severe acute malnutrition were mostly from poor backgrounds and developed malnutrition despite breast-feeding. Diluted F-100 formula was beneficial in treatment along with breastfeeding.
Feeding Pattern, Malnourished Infants, Breast-feeding, Nutritional Treatment
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[1] Hajer Fadlalla Ali , Ali Arabi , Jalal Ali Bilal , "Feeding Pattern of Malnourished Infants <6 Months of Age and Their Response to Treatment Using Diluted F-100 Formula," Nursing and Health, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9 - 13, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/nh.2016.040102.
(b). APA Format:
Hajer Fadlalla Ali , Ali Arabi , Jalal Ali Bilal (2016). Feeding Pattern of Malnourished Infants <6 Months of Age and Their Response to Treatment Using Diluted F-100 Formula. Nursing and Health, 4(1), 9 - 13. DOI: 10.13189/nh.2016.040102.