Journals Information
Universal Journal of Management Vol. 4(3), pp. 91 - 107
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040302
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Managing Language Diversity in the Workplace: Between ‘One Language Fits All' and ‘Multilingual Model in Action'
Patchareerat Yanaprasart 1,2,*
1 Department of Language and Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
2 School of French Language and Civilization, Faculty of Arts, University of Geneva, Switzerland
In order to meet global demands, multinational enterprises have developed practices of recruiting international staff. This, in turn, has led to a significant increase in cultural and linguistic diversity at all levels of the workforce and has thus created new challenges. One of them is to find how organizations can best manage and balance the need for divergence (complexity, diversity, differences) and convergence (cohesion, uniformity, standardization). In this context, English as a lingua franca is regarded by some as a condition for the universality of business knowledge and communication. This principle rests on the assumption that language is transparent, functioning as a neutral vehicle to express ideas and share discoveries. The premise that ‘one language fits all' could impoverish innovation and creativity, leading to business monoculture and standardized patterns of thinking. A multilingual model in action affords a plurality of perspectives and ensures that objects and phenomena are seen through different prisms. Based on the content analysis of semi-structured interviews with agents at different levels in multinational, national and regional companies in Switzerland, this contribution will explore the challenges arising from language diversity in multilingual mixed team work. The impact of each linguistic diversity management model will be also identified. The main objective of this contribution is to procure detailed knowledge of different language regimes and the diverging relevance of linguistic diversity as a part of the organizational diversity management, by highlighting the complex interplay between contextual-organizational elements (organizational ‘top-down' discourse), observed ‘bottom-up' practices and actors' views regarding language ideologies. Understanding the complexity of language diversity management in the workplace can help companies to manage languages in an innovative way, to monitor their "diversity performance" and to identify clues and indicators to measure the success (or failure) of their diversity initiatives.
Diversity and Inclusion, Language Diversity Management Models, Language Use and Practice in the Workplace, Language Strategies, Multilingual Model in Action, Multilanguage Capability, Multilingual Inclusiveness Cultural Workplace
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Patchareerat Yanaprasart , "Managing Language Diversity in the Workplace: Between ‘One Language Fits All' and ‘Multilingual Model in Action'," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 91 - 107, 2016. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040302.
(b). APA Format:
Patchareerat Yanaprasart (2016). Managing Language Diversity in the Workplace: Between ‘One Language Fits All' and ‘Multilingual Model in Action'. Universal Journal of Management, 4(3), 91 - 107. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.040302.