Universal Journal of Management Vol. 3(12), pp. 524 - 531
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031208
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Neuromarketing: The New Science of Advertising

Sunita Kumar *
Department of Management Studies, Christ University, India


Advertisers today spend most of their time in understanding the science to peer into consumers' minds. Today Neuromarketing has given them the power to delve into our subconscious mind. It is always very difficult for a marketer to understand the customer mind set. How a customer selects a particular product or service, where they look for information and how they search for it. To investigate how attention levels influence users, this conceptual paper makes use of Neuromarketing as a tool to measure the level of attention that results from advertisement exposure and explores how different levels of attention influence users in conscious and unconscious ways.

Advertising, Eye-tracking, Neuromarketing, Influence

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Sunita Kumar , "Neuromarketing: The New Science of Advertising," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 524 - 531, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031208.

(b). APA Format:
Sunita Kumar (2015). Neuromarketing: The New Science of Advertising. Universal Journal of Management, 3(12), 524 - 531. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031208.