Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 3(11), pp. 608 - 616
DOI: 10.13189/sa.2015.031105
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A Land Is Devoured by the Pervasive Deadly Corruption

Jakir Hossian *
Department of Business Administration, Britannia University, Bangladesh


A land is devoured by pervasive corruption has been studied well. A country without a leadership worsens corruption in society is the theme for this research writing has been presented with wider analysis and descriptions. Crimes or corruption are various in natures have been investigated from different aspects and facets. The leadership in Bangladesh from very inception of independence has been shaky, frail and instable. The third parties around the politics take ample scopes to create the vacuum of leadership. Finally some findings have been concluded in the final stage of the topic which heavily hinges on enormous salient facts including lacks of competences and worthiness of a leadership who fundamentally leads the nations in collaboration with other members of the government, and owing to failures in ensuring such onus and performances, the total systems of the national functions are corrupted and thus no parts of her mechanism work well. And the rest focuses on the characteristics of her subjects who, in spite of not being so involved in all facets of functions are directly or indirectly responsible for worst situations with their superfluous attitudes, superstitious belief, crime intent, timidity, dodge, pedantry, ego, folly, vices, ill motives and avidity. Besides feminists leadership roles for a long time, ill and loose governing capacity & lawlessness have a huge impact on national instability and risk escalation.

Ignorance, Terrors, Feminism, Discrimination, Favoritism, Leadership, Politicizing and Corruption

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Jakir Hossian , "A Land Is Devoured by the Pervasive Deadly Corruption," Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 608 - 616, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/sa.2015.031105.

(b). APA Format:
Jakir Hossian (2015). A Land Is Devoured by the Pervasive Deadly Corruption. Sociology and Anthropology, 3(11), 608 - 616. DOI: 10.13189/sa.2015.031105.