Natural Resources and Conservation Vol. 3(4), pp. 57 - 69
DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2015.030401
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Enhancing Recreation Sustainability through Social Capital Development

Mindi Lehew 1,*, Randy Gimblett 2, Francisco Valenzuela 3
1 United States Forest Service, Coronado National Forest, Santa Catalina Ranger District, USA
2 School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Arizona, USA
3 United States Forest Service, Southwestern Region, USA


Recreation areas represent a socio-ecological system in which the primary purpose is to sustain the ecologic functions of the environment while also providing satisfying recreation experiences. Sustainability in a recreation area requires that the components that support this system are maintained or increased over time. These components can be thought of as ‘capital'. The focus of this study, social capital, examines the human element of this system by recognizing the potential value added by the visitor in terms of overall sustainability. The goal of this research was to measure the potential to build social capital amongst the visitors in the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area (SCRA) of the Coronado National Forest, United States, as a means of contributing to the overall sustainability of the recreation area. Recreation visitors were surveyed to determine their values surrounding the SCRA. The survey results defined visitor values by their willingness to devote time and finances, respect for the environment and resources, and actual statements of value. Based on responses to the survey questions, each respondent's relationship with the SCRA was characterized as contributing to the system's sustainability, having no effect, or reducing its sustainability. Fundamental features of social groups that allow individuals to work together for a common purpose are present at SCRA. By uniting visitors around their shared values, managers may be able to catalyze the collective efforts of social groups to foster a mutual commitment to the sustainability of the SCRA.

Sustainability, Social Capital, Resource Management, Resilience, Conservation, Recreation

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mindi Lehew , Randy Gimblett , Francisco Valenzuela , "Enhancing Recreation Sustainability through Social Capital Development," Natural Resources and Conservation, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 57 - 69, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2015.030401.

(b). APA Format:
Mindi Lehew , Randy Gimblett , Francisco Valenzuela (2015). Enhancing Recreation Sustainability through Social Capital Development. Natural Resources and Conservation, 3(4), 57 - 69. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2015.030401.