Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 3(6), pp. 172 - 188
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030602
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A Graphic Method to Estimate the Wind Speed under Urban Canopy Layer

Mansoureh Tahbaz 1,2,*
1 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), Iran
2 Research Centre of Landscape and Vernacular Design, SBU, Iran


This article is based on a graphic method introduced by the author to determine the wind speed around the buildings for the levels less than 10 meters. By the help of the graphs produced in this research the architect is able to estimate the wind speed in every urban terrain and every height less than 10 meters above the ground - that is deferent from the height and terrain of the meteorology station - without being involved with calculation procedure. According to the importance of the turbulent wind in urban spaces, this article produced a table by using equivalent steady wind speed (Vs) supporting the graphic method to determine the acceptable wind speed around the buildings. This table will be used by the help of a CFD simulation to estimate the proportion of the equivalent steady wind speed around the building (Vs) to the mean wind speed (Vz) in the same level of the urban terrain (Vs/Vz). It will help the architect to predict important thresholds of the acceptable wind speed around the buildings in his/her own design to prevent unpleasant conditions. Referring to the meteorology data of the place, the graph will show the duration, time and direction of the wind that may cause unpleasant conditions. Therefore it will lead the designer to correct the design and reduce uncomfortable situations.

Mean Wind Speed, Urban Terrain, Turbulence Intensity, Equivalent Steady Wind Speed, Numeric Method, Graphic Method

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mansoureh Tahbaz , "A Graphic Method to Estimate the Wind Speed under Urban Canopy Layer," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 172 - 188, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030602.

(b). APA Format:
Mansoureh Tahbaz (2015). A Graphic Method to Estimate the Wind Speed under Urban Canopy Layer. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 3(6), 172 - 188. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030602.