Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 3(4), pp. 146 - 154
DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030412
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Study of the Effects of Slip Distance and Surface Roughness on Wear Rate

Milad Hadinezhad , Majid Elyasi *, Mohammad Rajabi , Majid Abbasi
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran


The phenomenon of wear is one of the significant and reviewable topics in industrial parts and equipments. Furthermore, with the increasing expansion of rail transportation industry in the world, a noticeable part of researches in this area have been allocated to the study of wear between wheel and rail. The contact surfaces of wheel and rail in railway lines in particular intra-city lines (subway) are subject to intensive wear due to the creation of rolling motion. In current work, an experimental investigation was performed based on dry pin-on-disk test to find effects of slip distance, hardness and surface roughness on wear rate and plastic deformation in rail-wheel interfacial contact. Results indicated that the wear rate decreases by decrease in slip distance. Furthermore, it was observed that both wear rate and plastic deformation increases by increase in surface roughness of the wheel.

Slip Distance, Hardness Surface, Roughness, Wear Rate, Pin-on-disk Test

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[1] Milad Hadinezhad , Majid Elyasi , Mohammad Rajabi , Majid Abbasi , "Study of the Effects of Slip Distance and Surface Roughness on Wear Rate," Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 146 - 154, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030412.

(b). APA Format:
Milad Hadinezhad , Majid Elyasi , Mohammad Rajabi , Majid Abbasi (2015). Study of the Effects of Slip Distance and Surface Roughness on Wear Rate. Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 3(4), 146 - 154. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030412.