Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 3(4), pp. 82 - 97
DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030402
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Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys for Medical Design in Robotics

R. Leticia Corral-Bustamante *, Marco Antonio Flores Trevizo , Jose Nino Hernandez-Magdaleno
Department of Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, Technological Institute of Cuauhtemoc City, Mexico


This work is about the study of the advanced materials with shape memory alloys (SMAs) for the construction of a medical device for ablation of tumors via radio frequencies, which must be supported by a Cartesian robot of 3 degrees of freedom (RC3GL). The objective focuses on providing equipment to the medical sector to fill the role currently performed manually by the specialist of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, in patients affected by cancer in organs such as liver, lung, kidney, prostate and breast. In the design of the medical device, it was necessary to control the temperature of transformation between the austenite and matensite phases to which the changes in shape of the SMA is produced in the range of 45℃ to 50℃. To fulfill the objective, two studies were conducted: i. statistical and ii. experimental by the annealing treatment of SMEs in determined temperature, time and rhythm of heating and cooling, measured by resistivity and dynamo-mechanical (DMTA) techniques that match those of other authors. From the results obtained, the nitinol (NiwxTiyz) was selected as the alloy that meets the medical requirements for the successful design of the tumors remover. From the experimental tests for the thermal profile required in the nitinol tip during the ablation process of 8 minutes (modeling and previously simulated which are shown here), made with the medical device adapted to the RC3GL (patent pending), it can be concluded that, the objective of building the medical equipment for removing cancerous tumors in organs is met.

Shape Memory Alloy, Nitinol, Transformation Temperatures, Austenite-martensite, Annealing, Tumor Ablation Device

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] R. Leticia Corral-Bustamante , Marco Antonio Flores Trevizo , Jose Nino Hernandez-Magdaleno , "Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys for Medical Design in Robotics," Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 82 - 97, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030402.

(b). APA Format:
R. Leticia Corral-Bustamante , Marco Antonio Flores Trevizo , Jose Nino Hernandez-Magdaleno (2015). Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys for Medical Design in Robotics. Manufacturing Science and Technology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 3(4), 82 - 97. DOI: 10.13189/mst.2015.030402.