Journals Information
Universal Journal of Management Vol. 3(10), pp. 402 - 406
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031004
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The Creation of New Social Infrastructure System to Spread the Next-generation Vehicles - An example of Yakushima Island's "Zero Emissions" Initiative
Hidetaka Ichikawa *
Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities, Kagoshima University, Japan
CO2 reduction has become a global initiative. Hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs) will not only reduce the use of gasoline, but also significantly contribute to the reduction of CO2. Next-generation vehicles that run on electricity and fuel cells that continue reducing the environmental load are required for the future. However, the spread of these next-generation vehicles has failed to proceed easily. Hybrid vehicles utilize both gasoline and electricity as a power source, electric vehicles run on battery power and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) use hydrogen. Charging facilities are required to utilize electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. Compared to gasoline vehicles, there are four factors that hinder the spread of next-generation vehicles, 1. High selling price, 2. Lack of charging facilities, 3. Long charging time, 4. Shortage of cruising distance. FCVs include 1. and 2. In order to reduce the high selling price, there is no choice but to rely on product innovation by automobile manufacturers. For the lack of charging facilities, it will be a problem that cannot be solved by only the automotive manufacturers, the cooperation of national and local governments is required. Without the overall improvement of infrastructure, the stagnation of next-generation vehicles ales will continue. To reverse this trend, new social infrastructure systems and lifestyles changes are needed to stimulate the purchasing willingness of consumers. In this paper, we discuss the dissemination activities Kagoshima Prefecture has been conducted in Yakushima. This research thus proposes the creation of new social infrastructure system as well as a new lifestyle changes using Yakushima Island as an example which we believe can increase the spread of next-generation vehicles.
Infrastructure System, Next-generation Vehicles, Zero Emissions, Hydrogen Society
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Hidetaka Ichikawa , "The Creation of New Social Infrastructure System to Spread the Next-generation Vehicles - An example of Yakushima Island's "Zero Emissions" Initiative," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 402 - 406, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031004.
(b). APA Format:
Hidetaka Ichikawa (2015). The Creation of New Social Infrastructure System to Spread the Next-generation Vehicles - An example of Yakushima Island's "Zero Emissions" Initiative. Universal Journal of Management, 3(10), 402 - 406. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031004.