Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 3(11), pp. 937 - 942
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.031120
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Theme-based Project Learning: Design and Application of Convergent Science Experiments

Man-Seog Chun 1, Kwang Il Kang 1, Young H. Kim 2, Young Mee Kim 3,*
1 Department of Chemistry and Biology, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 899 Danggam 3-dong, Busanjin-Gu, 614-822, Busan, Republic of Korea
2 Department of Physics and Earth Science, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 899 Danggam 3-dong, Busanjin-Gu, 614-822, Busan, Republic of Korea
3 Department of Arts and Humanities, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 899 Danggam 3-dong, Busanjin-Gu, 614-822, Busan, Republic of Korea


This case study aims to verify the benefits of theme-based project learning for convergent science experiments. The study explores the possibilities of enhancing creative, integrated and collaborative teaching and learning abilities in science-gifted education. A convergent project-based science experiment program of physics, chemistry and biology with the theme of environment such as seawater and wetland was designed and applied to science-gifted secondary school students in an international science contest. The program was initiated with integration of physics, chemistry and biology, interrelating both field work and laboratory work. Besides, logical discussion and humanistic writing activities with environmental issues were followed. The participants were tasked to conduct hands-on multi-disciplinary projects for both in the fields and laboratories. The projects involve raising creative and critical thinking through interpreting collected data, predicting outcomes, drawing conclusions, and presenting results. The study shows a model of project-based convergent programs for integrated experimental composition to facilitate collaborative and creative learning as well as to improve students interests in related subjects. The study discusses ways to raise awareness of benefits from multi-disciplinary approaches through theme-based project learning in science-gifted education.

Theme-based Learning, Project Learning, Integrated Education, Convergent Experiment Program, Multi-disciplinary Course Design, Science Gifted Education, Sea Water, Wetland

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Man-Seog Chun , Kwang Il Kang , Young H. Kim , Young Mee Kim , "Theme-based Project Learning: Design and Application of Convergent Science Experiments," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 937 - 942, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.031120.

(b). APA Format:
Man-Seog Chun , Kwang Il Kang , Young H. Kim , Young Mee Kim (2015). Theme-based Project Learning: Design and Application of Convergent Science Experiments. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(11), 937 - 942. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.031120.