Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 3(5), pp. 143 - 152
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030507
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Aspects of Integrated Design of Structures: Parametric Models, Creative Space and Linked Knowledge

Rasmus Rempling *, David Fall , Karin Lundgren
Chalmers University of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden


In the construction industry, collaborative working methods with overlapping domains have been developing side by side with information and communication technology. Recently, efforts have been made to combine these methods in order to facilitate the integration of disciplines. Research on collaborative work has resulted in the promising "integrated project delivery" methodology, whereas research on information and communication technology has resulted in building information modelling. In this paper, we propose three principles for integrated design: "parametric models", "creative space" and "linked knowledge". These principles have been derived during the course of the TailorCrete Project. The project involves contributions from architects, structural engineers, contractors and building material manufacturers, as well as scientists of the built environment. All principles are elaborated upon with regard to their connection to integrated design and how they are carried out in practice; the elaboration is based on results collected from the TailorCrete project and from research results found in the literature. This paper concludes that parametric models, creative space and linked knowledge are the three main aspects that should be pursued in order to achieve and implement a practical integrated design process.

Design Process, Complex Shapes, Reinforced Concrete, System Engineering, Architectual Engineering, Structural Architecture, Computer Aided Design, Knowledge-based Engineering, Generative Design

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Rasmus Rempling , David Fall , Karin Lundgren , "Aspects of Integrated Design of Structures: Parametric Models, Creative Space and Linked Knowledge," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 143 - 152, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030507.

(b). APA Format:
Rasmus Rempling , David Fall , Karin Lundgren (2015). Aspects of Integrated Design of Structures: Parametric Models, Creative Space and Linked Knowledge. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 3(5), 143 - 152. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030507.