Universal Journal of Management Vol. 3(7), pp. 271 - 282
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.030702
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Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach – Problems of Business Strategy Design

Jozef Stasak 1,*, Radka Vanickova 1, Michal Grell 2
1 Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice, Czech
2 Civil Association Education–Science-Research, Slovak Republic


This paper deals with problems related to Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach – Problems of Business Strategy Design. The main goal of that paper is to prepare a proposal closely related to business strategy design in form of text written in a natural language and in form of linguistic sets, which contain appropriate linguistic variables regulated by rules of business process ontology principles and linguistic approach of business process modeling. A description of problems related to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Business Strategy Design and to business process management and modeling – linguistic approach creates the paper's first part, while The Principle Business Process Linguistic Equation - PBPL Equation existence – together with assumptions, terms and principles related to its existence and functionality play a role of great importance there. Answering the question: how the principle business process linguistic equation may be applied in solution of business strategy design and business process management problems - business process ontology aspects?" It is a subject of the paper's second part. However, the problems of related works and contributions of the paper's content are considered to be the paper's final chapters as well.

Business Process Modeling, Linguistic Approach, Business Strategy Design

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Jozef Stasak , Radka Vanickova , Michal Grell , "Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach – Problems of Business Strategy Design," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 271 - 282, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.030702.

(b). APA Format:
Jozef Stasak , Radka Vanickova , Michal Grell (2015). Business Process Modeling Linguistic Approach – Problems of Business Strategy Design. Universal Journal of Management, 3(7), 271 - 282. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2015.030702.