Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 3(7), pp. 463 - 466
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030706
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Higher Secondary Learners' Effectiveness towards Web Based Instruction (WBI) on Chemistry

A. Sudha , S. Amutha *
Department of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University, India


Web-based training is becoming a phenomenon in education today because of its flexibility and convenience, it is vitally important to address those issues that adversely impact retention and success in this environment. To generate principles of effective asynchronous web-based materials specifically applicable for secondary level students based upon the perceptions of those who have developed effective web-based content. The development and formulation of an instructional approach for effective use of web-based learning is generally in science and particularly in chemistry. Web-based instruction is more appropriate to be used as a supplementary tool in learning process .WBI enables the learning process interesting and more meaningful since it provides multisensory experience to the students. The paradigm shift from student centered to learner-centered education has emphasized the use of WBI. Students have to use a variety of strategies in learning to accomplish classroom academic tasks. WBI help students and teachers and also institutions in improving overall learning process. The authorities need to focus on the integration between the technology and the pedagogical practices. Web-based instruction created by Blackboard was well suited to the students' needs. Learners' perspectives toward online learning have offered valuable insights into a way to make the connection between the teachers goal and learners need while learning in a Web-based instructional environment. This paper attempts to find out the higher secondary learners' effectiveness towards web-based instruction on chemistry. Experimental method was adopted in this study. Samples were divided into control and experimental groups. Control group was taught by traditional method and experimental group with web based instruction. Pre-test and post-test was administered to both the groups. The findings of the study reveals that there is no significant mean difference between the achievements of pre-test and post-test scores taught by traditional method and there is significant mean difference between the achievements of pre-test and post-test scores in the web based instructional method since it provides multisensory experience to the students.

Web Based Instruction, Effectiveness, Chemistry, Higher Secondary Learners

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] A. Sudha , S. Amutha , "Higher Secondary Learners' Effectiveness towards Web Based Instruction (WBI) on Chemistry," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 463 - 466, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030706.

(b). APA Format:
A. Sudha , S. Amutha (2015). Higher Secondary Learners' Effectiveness towards Web Based Instruction (WBI) on Chemistry. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(7), 463 - 466. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030706.