International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 3(3), pp. 118 - 123
DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2015.030303
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Increased Burden on Women and Male Out-migration: An Analysis of Khul Gad Micro Watershed of the Kumoun Himalaya

Suman Singh *
Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, India


In recent decades, as a consequence of environmental degradation and poor resource management in the marginal hilly areas of Uttrakhand (India) forced the males of the region to out-migrate in search of better employment. Due to lack of off-farm activities in these hilly areas, the burden of livelihood directly falls upon the womenfolk, who are considered as a ‘Milieu Managers'. This has been reflected in the increasing participation of women in the economy of the study area. The present paper focuses on the pattern of migration and its adverse impact of increasing workload on the women of the study area. The study uses primary data collected through household surveys in Khulgad watershed, Almora district of the Kumaun Himalaya, Uttrakhand (India). Therefore, the key objective of the study is to analyse the increasing work participation of women operating at different sub-systems, impact of environmental degradation and role of women in sustaining the traditional agro-ecosystem in Khul Gad micro-watershed of the Kumoun Himalaya.

Environmental Degradation, Male Out-migration, Watershed, Increasing Workload, Milieu Managers

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Suman Singh , "Increased Burden on Women and Male Out-migration: An Analysis of Khul Gad Micro Watershed of the Kumoun Himalaya," International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 118 - 123, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2015.030303.

(b). APA Format:
Suman Singh (2015). Increased Burden on Women and Male Out-migration: An Analysis of Khul Gad Micro Watershed of the Kumoun Himalaya. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice(CEASE PUBLICATION), 3(3), 118 - 123. DOI: 10.13189/ijrh.2015.030303.