Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 3(4), pp. 79 - 82
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030403
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The Study of Small Town Planning Based on S.E.T. Model-The West District of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, China as an Example

Ming Lu , Jun Xing , Yu Chen *
Harbin Institute of Technology, China


The disadvantage of imbalance while using a single mode for the development of urban is becoming highlighted [1]. In order to solve this problem, eight cities and towns published in China have used the S.E.T. mode(Service-Ecology-Transit -Oriented Development) planning. In this paper, the S.E.T. mode was used in the planning of the West District of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, China, and by the analysis of the land use, the spatial structure and the function structure, we made an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the S.E.T., and verified its feasibility and scope of application. And it would be significant to small town planning, the non-agricultural population of which is less than 200,000 in China, in the future.

S.E.T. Mode, Small Town Planning, The New West District of Suihua, Multi-factor-oriented

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[1] Ming Lu , Jun Xing , Yu Chen , "The Study of Small Town Planning Based on S.E.T. Model-The West District of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, China as an Example," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 79 - 82, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030403.

(b). APA Format:
Ming Lu , Jun Xing , Yu Chen (2015). The Study of Small Town Planning Based on S.E.T. Model-The West District of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, China as an Example. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 3(4), 79 - 82. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2015.030403.