Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 3(2), pp. 46 - 52
DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2015.030203
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Knowledge of Undergraduate and Graduate Dentists and Dental Therapists concerning Panoramic Radiographs: Knowledge of Panoramic Radiographs

Scott McNab 1, Paul Monsour 1,*, Daniel Madden 2, Deanne Gannaway 2
1 School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Australia
2 Teaching and Education Development Institute, University of Queensland, Australia


Background: Increasing numbers of panoramic radiographs (PRs) are being taken every year worldwide. This study was designed to assess the ability of dental students, bachelor of oral health (BOH) students, graduate dentists and graduate oral health therapists (OHT) in Queensland, Australia, in the interpretation of PRs in order to assess future teaching needs. Methods: This study was conducted as a web-based survey. Final year dental students, final year BOH students, graduate dentists and graduate OHTs in Queensland were invited to participate in this study. The study examined three topics; 1) radiographic anatomy, 2) positioning errors, and 3) pathology/anomalies relating to PRs. Results: No significant difference was found between any of the four groups regarding identification of radiographic anatomy on PRs. Undergraduate dental students correctly identified significantly more positioning errors than graduated dentists. Undergraduate OHTs identified significantly more positioning errors than graduated OHTs. Graduate dentists scored significantly higher than final year dental students in the identification of pathology/anomalies in PRs. Graduated dentists who had access to a PR machine or had completed a refresher course in extra-oral radiography displayed significantly higher performance in identifying positioning errors. Generally the scores were low in all areas. Conclusions: Additional teaching of the three areas assessed would be beneficial in both the undergraduate curriculum and in the form of continuing education courses. Findings from this study support the findings from similar international studies [1-7] and have the potential to be extrapolated to teaching and learning initiatives in other Australian States.

Panoramic Radiography, Positioning Errors, Anatomy, Pathology, Education

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Scott McNab , Paul Monsour , Daniel Madden , Deanne Gannaway , "Knowledge of Undergraduate and Graduate Dentists and Dental Therapists concerning Panoramic Radiographs: Knowledge of Panoramic Radiographs," Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 46 - 52, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2015.030203.

(b). APA Format:
Scott McNab , Paul Monsour , Daniel Madden , Deanne Gannaway (2015). Knowledge of Undergraduate and Graduate Dentists and Dental Therapists concerning Panoramic Radiographs: Knowledge of Panoramic Radiographs. Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine(CEASE PUBLICATION), 3(2), 46 - 52. DOI: 10.13189/ojdom.2015.030203.